Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Happy birthday bu sri!

Hey! :-D gue mau cerita tentang hari ini aja ya hehe. hari ini super seruuuu deg2an semuanya sampe rasanya pgn cerita ke blog hahaha. Dari judul postingnya "Happy birthday bu sri!" soalnya tanggal 22 apa 26 may gue jg bingung -_- bu sri ulang tahun, terus 8-2 ngasih suprise bareng dan itu sangaaat seru hahaha. Oke mulai cerita mulai dari pagi aja ya....

Pagi pagi gue bangun jam 5. terus gue pake acara liat jam terus langsung tidur lagi -_- akhirnya gue bangun 5 menit sesudah itu, abis itu gue siap2 sampe jam 5.25 udah telat segala macem gue udah heboh sendiri padahal harusnya jam segitu gue udah dateng buat nemenin april ngambil delivery buat ulang tahun bu sri. terus langsunglah gue berangkat.......... dan tiba2 pas diseperempat jalan udah macet banget, mobil udah mepet2 semua, supir gue langsung balik lagi nyari jalan lain dan itu udah jam 5.40.... dan masih sangaaaaaaaaat jauh buat nyampe ke sekolah, akhirnya gue santai santai aja di mobil buka twitter dan stay positive hahaha. Pas nyari jalan lain kan gue udah santai soalnya jalannya udah lumayan lancar dan pas udah agak jauhan........MACET LAGI. oh noooooo macetnya itu diem, ngga gerak, udah jam 6 pula. terus gue diem dulu deh baca baca timeline trs ngga kerasa udah jam 6.30 itu gue masih dijalan dan macet ngga gerak lagi. akhirnya supir gue bilang "tis.. nyampe jam 7 gimana? gapapa kan?" parah, gue udah kebayang guru piket ngamuk2, terus kena poin, terus upacaranya didepan, terus diliatin, terus ditanya tanya......
Akhirnya sampailah gue jam 7.10....... telat banget ya, tapi satpam biasa aja, terus guru juga paling ngeliatin trs biasa aja. di piket ada yang terlambat
juga lagi pada ngambil tas terus guru piket gaada yang nyadar ada yg dateng. gue berenti dulu tapi mereka ngga liat gue, langsung aja gue bablaaasss HAHAHAHA lumayan, udah telat lama, ngga ikut upacara, ngga ada yg marahin juga :)

Pas masuk kelas lagi pada siap2 buat ulang tahunny
a bu sri, terus gue ikutan deh hehe. abis itu bu sri dateng ke kelas dan ngasih suprise!! itu yang paling seru terus sekelas nyanyi happy birthday trs tiup lilin, potong kue, makan bareng. Daaaan

Foto bareng 8-2!
Kocak banget ini foto pertam
a hahaha

itu gue yang paliiing kanan, cari aja ya. ini foto yang paling keliatan guenya soalnya hahaha
Dan yang paling tengah itu bu sri

1 kata. Seru! hahaha. love you 8-2! kompak ya hari ini.
Eh....... oke udah jam 11.30. Sleeptimeee. Goodnight :-)

Once again,
Happy Birthday bu sri!

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Nicholas Sparks

sekarang lagi suka film yang dari novelnya Nicholas Sparks nih :> filmnya bagus bagus trs nyentuh seperti itulah ya..... Gue belum pernah baca novelnya sih hehe pernahnya film filmnya, tapi kalo gue ngerti juga sih hehe paling beda tipisss sm yg dibuku

Oke, ini nih film yg dari bukunya nicholas sparks yang ud
ah gue nonton

The Notebook

In 1940, at a carnival in
Seabrook Island, South Carolina, local country boy Noah Calhoun sees 17-year-old heiress Allie Hamilton for the first time and is immediately smitten. She continuously refuses his persistent advances until their well-meaning friends lure them together. Noah and Allie spend an idyllic summer together, though her wealthy parents are less than enthusiastic about their summer romance. Allie is forbidden by her parents from seeing Noah again. Noah tells Allie he believes her parents are right and that he is not good enough for her, she yells at him and the two break up. Allie immediately regrets the decision but Noah drives away. Noah, devastated by their separation, writes her one letter every day for a year, with no replies. On the 365th day, he writes her a goodbye letter and decides to let her go. Noah and Allie move on with their lives; Allie attends Sarah Lawrence College, while Noah enlists to fight in World War II.

kalo mau ditranslate, translate sendiri ya hehe . Ohiya, buat lengkapnya juga... silahkan nonton juga :P

Dear John

Special Forces Army Sergeant John Tyree (Channing Tatum) is home on a two-week leave from Germany. He meets Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried) after he dives into the ocean to retrieve Savannah's purse that had fallen off the pier. John is smitten by Savannah and falls in love at first sight. Savannah is a college student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is on spring break and is helping build a house for Habitat for Humanity. John joins in with Savannah to help build the house. Along the way a budding romance occurs, and Savannah falls deeply in love with John. As she is about to go back to college, she promises to write John overseas during the next 12-months until he returns to her after completing his enlistment. Their love is put to the test when John reenlists after the 9/11 attack

A Walk To Remember

In Beaufort, North Carolina, a prank on a student goes terribly wrong and puts the student in the hospital. Landon Carter, a popular student with no defined plans for the future, is held responsible and forced to participate in after-school community service activities as punishment, which include starring as the lead in the school play. Also participating in these activities is Jamie Sullivan, the reverend's daughter who has great ambitions and nothing in common with Landon. When Landon decides he wants to take his activities seriously, he asks Jamie for help and begins to spend most of his time with her. But he starts to develop strong feelings for her, something he did not expect to do. The two start a relationship, much to the chagrin of Landon's old popular friends and Jamie's strict reverend father. But when a heart-breaking secret becomes known that puts their relationship to the test, it is then that Landon and Jamie realize the true meaning of love and fate.

Cool ceritanya!!!!! suka semuanya dari A walk to remember, Dear John sama The notebook hehe. Mungkin novelnya lebih cool.......... DAAANNNN INI!

Yeah! Nicholas Sparks & Miley cyrus

Ohiya... ngomong ngomong Miley cyrus gue kepengen nonton ini............

The Last Song

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010


Hey, kemarin gue nyoba main looklet loh :) me late.
pertama gue pengen nyoba main ini tapi mau bikin ngga jadi jadi terus dan akhirnya bikin juga sekarang hehe

Dan Ini model pertama yang gue bikin

masih polos gini serba pink hehe, bikin ini ngulang2 terus sampe akhirnya pas udah mau di save eh...............internetnya dimatiin sm bokap gue ;_; dan loading semua ngga mau gerak2 langsung males main dan tapi udh ber jam jam gitu gaada hasil hahaosahah jadinya gue lanjutin deh. Ohiya, follow ya looklet gue Tissa Ramadhani thank you! ;)